The Australian Institute of Dermatology runs a variety of courses to teach dermatology to General Practitioners and Dermatopathology to both Pathologists and interested Dermatologists. You can view some of it's courses at the links below.
The Skin Cancer College of Australia is a group of doctors dedicated to improving standards in the diagnosis and management of skin cancer. The College may be contacted at http://www.skincancercollege.org Membership is available to medical practitioners worldwide who share the College's aims. Membership benefits include reduced fees to the College's educational meetings and free access to the College's educational dermatoscopy blog at , a leading source of continuing education in dermatoscopy and skin cancer management.
The doctors who submit an image are responsible for obtaining their patient’s permission to do so. Copyright for the images is shared jointly by Dermoscopy Atlas and the submitting doctor. People using this Atlas do so at their own risk. It is not a substitute for proper medical advice.
For further information contact the Managing Editor,
Dr Ian McColl (imccoll@ozemail.com.au).