Site: Cheek
Diagnosis: Pigmented solar keratosis
Sex: M
Age: 70
Type: Heine
Submitted By: Jean-Yves Gourhant
Description: Clinical view.
History: This patient came for a flat pigmented lesion of the right cheek. It was a bit scaly. The dermoscopic exam showed a pseudo-network, with grey dots, in some places taking the form of rhomboidal structures. The clue to the diagnosis was the superficial tan-brow broken-up network, a sign in favor of a pigmented actinic keratosis. The pathology after a shave biopsy confirmed this hypothesis.
Bibl: Zalaudek I and al "Pitfalls in the clinical and dermoscopic diagnosis of pigmented actinic keratosis" J Am Acad Dermatol 2005;53:1071-1074.